I designed a small two bed-roomed solar-passive house (67.5m2 internal floor area with 36m2 outside deck). Key design considerations were:
– cost (land and house package was not to exceed $350K)
– energy performance (with 3.89kW solar panels, I am aiming for energy bill less than $500 over the year)
– ultra-low exterior maintenance
– BAL-29 rating (the house is close to a BAL-40 specification)
– Native garden
I used a sandwich concrete panel construction. While this contributes a massive 55000kg of CO2 emissions (a normal passenger vehicle emits about 4500kg of CO2 per year), it should be offset by the longevity of the material, rapid build (less builder travel), and solar passive performance (the average Australian household energy use generates 8000kg of CO2 emissions per year).
The house has an 8.7 star energy rating.
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