Your tax-deductible donation will support Renew in coordinating this impactful event, inspiring and educating thousands across Australia about making their homes more sustainable.

For 45 years, Renew has played a critical role in promoting and educating the public about sustainability – guiding Australians on every step of their sustainability journey.

In 2025, we are at a critical juncture. Time is running out to arrest the climate crisis and to have a chance of keeping global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees. This decade is critical and no sector is more important to making early inroads than the energy sector.

Buildings constitute 25% of our national carbon footprint. And no organisation has more experience with the environmental impacts and opportunities of residential buildings than Renew.

We can drastically cut the emissions from our housing stock by:

  • building to higher levels of energy performance;
  • installing energy efficient appliances;
  • implementing a mandatory system of energy performance standards and disclosure for existing buildings;
  • weaning ourselves off fossil fuels such as natural gas; and
  • increasing the uptake of renewable energy and storage systems.

At Renew, we need to scale up our reach and impact in this decade before it is too late. We need recently led a campaign to make changes to energy standards as part of the National Building Code, but we know further change is needed. We also need to help those devastated after the summer bushfires to rebuild in a way that is resilient to future climate disasters, through out Green Rebuild Toolkit project.

But we can’t do this without your help, so please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.