Environment House/Perth EcoShop will be open on SHD from 11am-3pm to provide advice on eco-renovating, composting, wormfarming, organic veg gardening. This community association’s premises are in a little 60’s brick house rented from the City of Bayswater but they have a huge native verge, an organic food garden, and working wormfarms and compost bins. They are right next to the restored Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary and down the path from the River.
As well as a gardener or two, Alan Benn, energy, water and waste advisor will be onsite, to help home owners and renters make their homes cheaper to run and more comfy, demonstrating how to apply draught stripping, etc.
NORMAL OPENING HOURS 10am-4pm Saturdays, and some weekdays. (Phone ahead for weekdays, to make sure a vollie is on site. Tel 92714488)
See the EcoShop catalogue online at envirohouse.org.au
125 King William St Bayswater WA 6053 (river end of street)
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