This contemporary, 8 Star, four-bedroom family home with study and studio is situated in 20 acres of eucalyptus forest, hidden on the extreme western edge of the Wombat State Forest; rated BAL29, with Environmental Significance Overlay. The final landscaping touches are being applied and the striking structure is an opportunity to glimpse a couple of examples of how the build has been achieved. We’ve now moved in and the house is furnished, but very easy to view as it is very open. A 10-year plan and an 11-month build is almost 100% complete. Lille Skov means ‘little forest’ in Danish. Come and join us in our little forest, where our dream has come true.
We worked with Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions (BREAZE) to develop and install our standalone power system and our hot water demands.
To find out more about the NatHERS (Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme) click here.
The house also achieved 10 stars with the Victorian Residential Efficiency Scorecard. If you would like to find out more click here.
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