In collaboration with Evan Graham Master Builder we have developed a prefabricated dwelling that incorporates Passive Haus and building biology principles to provide occupants with a healthy, comfortable, low impact living solution. It incorporates low toxic finishes, a constant supply of fresh filtered air (even when the windows are closed), acoustic ceilings and Australian made products. The design has been conceived in response to sky-rocketing building costs, a desire to streamline quality architecture and high-performance healthy homes and create a high value offering at a reasonable cost.
The Dwellings are highly efficient and require minimal energy to heat and cool – reducing the need for energy input by up to 90%. When the weather is comfortable outside, the occupants can open all windows and doors and allow breezes to circulate through. When external air quality is poor (pollution, pollens, bushfire smoke) or the temperature rises or falls to extremes the occupants can close the windows and doors and receive constant fresh filtered air whilst keeping the internal air temp at a comfortable constant with minimal energy.
The dwellings are completely constructed out of timber (excluding roof sheeting and footings/piers) and have a minimal carbon footprint. Due to the method of construction in the workshop, there’s minimal wastage produced during construction – any wastage created is non toxic. There are minimal toxic glues or products included in construction – increasing the recyclability and reuse of materials if the dwelling were to be dismantled at its end of life. The dwellings are low impact – having the ability to be transported/moved at a later date, leaving the original site available for regeneration.
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