Sustainable Horticulture 2021

Sustainable Horticulture

The 3-bedroom one-bathroom house is based on 730sqm and in good condition. There is gas hot water, appliances are electric, an indoor fireplace, a large 7.2kw air conditioner that covers the whole house or a smaller 3kW in a bedroom to reduce the cooling space when hot and energy conscious, or use the ceiling fans throughout. Smart indoor and garden lights turn on or off from a smart device; these are full-colour spectrum and white, dimmable, energy-efficient, and can be scheduled.

Energy is taken care of by a 6.2kW Solar System and 10.4kW battery bank with smart switchable energy monitoring devices. In the event of a blackout, or excess load, switch on or off the battery bank from a mobile phone or leave and the pre-programmed inverter will do the rest. A working 2500L spa is onsite for either aquaponics or relaxing, the electric heating system can be turned on or off from a mobile phone device as it does use some energy to heat, although solar is utilised for thermal storage. There are smart wifi timers throughout and another mobile switch to reduce the load on a chosen circuit.

The edible space does consume some water, two tanks, one 3000L for possible fertigation (tip a 20L seaweed in) another 23000L, and a 2000L well-established pond with Lotus. An 8 zone irrigation system is automated using drippers and some micro-spray, The irrigation operates of either mains water or tapped off with an automated pump utilising the 25000L from the tanks. There has been a basic Lorawan system developed (in-house) to monitor soil moisture, climate and other variables. It is envisioned that this system will be integrated with the energy system for full automation with potential AI applications.

The property is encased in jasmine along all fences with a double brood honey bee flow hive and four native hives, filling the air with the smell of resin and honey. Mostly organic practices have been used, some herbs, grass to mow, with groundcovers of aloe, mint, and native violet which can be whipper sniped. There is space to grow veggies, besides some annual self-seeding of cranberry hibiscus, nasturtium, clover, cherry tomatoes, and edible weeds. A native and arid edible, medicinal, and flowering native footpath garden is low maintenance. Other smaller biodiverse insects and animal life frogs, birds, lizards live here. There is a large aviary and chicken coup stocked with quail, birds and chickens. It is well placed removing water from what was a dead zone and brooding pen lines inside the shed to bring up baby chicks safely. A complete list of fruit trees can be seen below.

I have a permaculture design certificate, qualified Electrician, and have a science degree in Horticulture. I work for the Queensland Farmers Federation in energy efficiency and microgrids, future energy, digital IoT smart farms, Carbon sequestration, and land restoration, so education is available and you will get the best advice! It really is a great tidy looking educational space!

Tree List (they are not typos there are multiples of some!)
Immature (Though Advanced)
Avocado, Pink Panther, Dragon Fruit, Blood Orange pot, White Muscadine Grape, Gold Coffee, Lime pot, Yellow Dragon Fruit, Red Coffee Red Bannana pot, Red coffee, Avocado Espalier pot, Blue Banana pot, Yellow coffee, Blood Plum, Olive pot, Plum, Red mango pot
Commencing Fruit
Valencia Orange, Red Achiote, Macadamia, Pomegranate, Red Muscadine Grape, Apple, Avocado, Native Guava, Nashi pot, Fig, Riberry, Red Finger Lime pot, 2 Dwarf Lychee Pot, 2 Burdekin Plum pot, Lemon Pot, Chocolate Sapote
Lemon, 3 Passionfruit, Green Tea, Pink Guava, Rose Apple, Sapote chocolate, Strawberry Guava, Mulberry. Peach, Dwarf Banana and Lady Finger, Pomegranate, Nectarine, 4 Blueberries, Turmeric, Apple, Dwarf Cumquat , Shiraz Grape, Red Coffee, Acerola Cherry, 2 Lemon Myrtle, Red Finger Lime, Native Raspberry, Greg’s Wampee (Native), Red Coffee, Nopals, Fruit Salad Monstera, Cassava, Red Arrowroot Black Sugar Cane, 4 Midyim Berries

Sustainability Features

Years Open
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
    • Energy efficiency:
    • Efficient lighting
      Energy monitoring
      Smart home features
    • Passive heating cooling:
    • Shading

    • Passive heating cooling:
    • Judicious tree plantings around house
    • Active heating cooling:
    • Ceiling fans
      Split system airconditioner
    • Water heating:
    • Instantaneous gas
    • Water harvesting and saving features:
    • Rainwater storage - Above ground
      Rainwater storage - Underground
      Worm farm septic tank system
      Stormwater management
      Drip irrigation

    • Above ground rainwater storage Type:
    • Pond,tanks, and various aquaponic systems
    • Above ground rainwater storage Size
    • 30000L
    • Water harvesting and saving
    • Through the use of aquaponics and a pond extra water is captured and stored
    • Energy Efficient Lighting
    • LED lights throughout
      Natural daylight
    • Recycled and reused materials:
    • Basins/sinks
      Copper pipes/fittings
    • All-Electric Home?
    • No
    • Renewable energy used:
    • Energy storage/battery
      Solar PV grid connect
    • Size of PV system:
    • 10.4kw batteries fed from 6.2kw solar system
    • Cost estimate of sustainable home/features:
    • $35,000
    • Roof
    • Metal (Colorbond)
    • Wall Materials
    • Lightweight construction (timber frame)
    • Number of bedrooms
    • 3
    • Number of bathrooms
    • 1
    • Garden / Outdoors
    • Aquaponics
      Bee keeping
      Bee hotels/friendly
      Drip irrigation
      Edible garden
      Frog friendly
      Green walls
      Local indigenous plants
      Native plants
      Water wise plants
      Wicking beds
      Worm farm
    • Waste Reduction Practices:
    • Compost all food scraps
      Pickle and preserve food
Darra QLD 4076
    • Housing Type:
    • Garden
    • Project Type:
    • Garden Only
    • Open with support of
    • Queensland Farmers Federation Energy Reduction
    • Designer
    • Sustainable Horticulture

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