The Mulch Pit is an organic community food garden hosted by the Nightcliff Uniting Church and is open to everyone. We are part of a vibrant community including Frilly’s Fair Trade refreshments and the Nightcliff Uniting Church Op-shop.
We run communal gardening activities on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, as well as cooking workshops in the on-site kitchen using garden produce. See our website and facebook page for information on upcoming events including gardening workshops and children’s craft and gardening activities.*
Individual garden plots are available for rent.
Come on a Saturday morning for a cup of coffee, some op-shopping and stroll around the garden. Visit our friendly chickens and meet some of the volunteers. Produce from the garden is available for purchase or trade on the Swap Table. Join a working bee to meet other gardeners, share information, garden produce and get your hands dirty.
The Mulch Pit is a place for growing food and fun, guided by the three Permaculture principles:
• Care for the Earth
• Care for people
• Enough for all
We incorporate sustainable practices, maximising local resource use and on-site recycling; a place where we learn to grow and prepare local food, thus reducing our carbon footprint.
Everyone is welcome to visit or volunteer.
Find out more by visiting our website or Facebook page
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