We aim to introduce our guests to a clean sustainable future for the coming generations. The property has a 3.5KW grid fed solar panel rooftop generator and recently a Maglev (magnetic levitation ) 300 watt wind turbine (battery connected). Rooftop collection of rain water, and spring water supplement when needed for the gardens, vineyard and orchard.
The homestead’s water is heated by 102 Evacuation Tubes and wood fire thermosiphon to a 500litre ceiling storage tank. Heat from the tubes is circulated by a small 5watt pump fed from a 5watt solar panel. This also feeds passive individually controlled warm water radiators.The electric boost is available but we try not to use this.
The two self contained rooms have hot water produced from sun warmed “thin air” technology. This unit is called a “Quantum” hot water storage tank. A Metal Dynamics 3500 series wood fire (fuel stove) with cook top is located in the family room. The 800 tree plantation supplies wood for the wood fires.The airconditioning in the living room is inverter technology 4-5 star efficiency. All bedrooms are double glazed.
The Biolytix sewerage and wastewater treatment system technology won at the world expo in Japan 2005. A river bank ecosystem principle in an underground tank is used to treat wastewater (no chemicals). This is then sent through the Netafim subsurface irrigation to the vineyard and lawns and ultimately slowly draining clean water to the valley below.
On display will be the latest passive lighting system with further graded additions to enable the getting off the grid. This system is also a great way for commercial buildings to reduce their electricity a massive amount and work towards a cleaner way for the future.
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