Colourful House
Lyneham ACT 2602
A retired couple opted for a knockdown-rebuild, prioritising flexibility for ageing in place, environmental..
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Kaleen House
Kaleen ACT 2617
This house is characterised by a singular skillion roof that matches the fall of the site. the continuous roof plane..
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Kambah Passive House
Kambah ACT 2902
An ex-guvy three-bedroom home, with an addition being turned into a multi-generational Certified Passive House with the..
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Pavillions on Hilltop
Strathnairn ACT 2615
Pavilion’s on Hilltop is a response to a design brief by my parents to create a sustainable home with low running..
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Strine Kambah House
Kambah ACT 2902
The Kambah house is one of Strine Environment’s innovative environmentally sustainable living solutions for off-site..
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Rodway Passive House
Yarralumla ACT 2600
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This multigenerational house is home to seven occupants aged 16 to 88 and is an example of how building a larger house..
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Narrabundah ACT 2604
Narrabundahaus received The Derek Wrigley Award for Sustainable Architecture at the 2023 ACT Chapter Architecture..
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Magpie House
Watson ACT 2602
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Magpie House is an all-electric, Passive Solar design (8.2 star NATHERS) knock down rebuild of a typical Canberra..
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Waramanga Rammed Earth House
Waramanga ACT 2611
Built on a vacant ‘Mr Fluffy’ block, this comfortable, 8.8 star solar passive house is designed to maximise the..
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